For years now, friends & family have often pointed out the similarities, and it goes beyond the glasses. Each week while watching 30 Rock, my husband typically wonders out loud if my office is bugged. They literally seem to be stealing my life and putting it on a weekly show. Needless to say, I’m a huge fan of Liz/Tina and Amy Poehler. And obviously by my excitement over the two of them hosting the awards, I wanted it to be a huge success. And I think it was. I wanted to highlight the top ten jokes that almost had me “pissing {myself} laughing!” Thanks Adele!
- “We have no intention of being edgy or offensive tonight because, as Ricky Gervais found out the hard way, when you run afoul of the Hollywood Foreign Press, they make you host this show two more times.” Poehler, talking about their predecessor as host of the Globes.
- “If they’re forcing you to do all that nudity, just tell us. Give us a signal . . . and we’ll call child services for you.” Fey, talking to Girls star Lena Dunham
- “When it comes to torture, I trust the lady who spent three years married to James Cameron.” Poehler talking about Zero Dark Thirty director Kathryn Bigelow.
- “Wow! What an exciting special guest. That was Hillary Clinton’s husband.” Poehler, after the former president introduced the film, Lincoln.“You know what Taylor Swift? You stay away from Michael J. Fox’s son.” Fey talking about Fox’s son, Sam, who was Mr. Golden Globe.
- “Meryl Streep is not here tonight. She has the flu — and I hear she’s amazing in it.”
- “The Hunger Games was one of the biggest films of the year, and also what I call the six weeks it took me to get into this dress.”
- “I haven’t seen someone so totally alone and abandoned like that since you were on stage with James Franco at the Oscars.” Fey, talking about Anne Hathaway’s performance in Les Miserables.
- “I don’t think she plans to do porn, Amy.” “Well, none of us PLAN to do porn.” Tina and Amy talking about camera angles in Les Mis.
- “Congratulations Lena, glad we got you through middle school.” Tina to Lena Dunham after losing to her in the best actress in a comedy category.
- “Thank you very much! Goodnight! We’re going home with Jodie Foster.” Amy Poehler, closing the show.
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