The Beginning of the End

I’m tired of my Wii Fit calling me “obese.”

It’s time I stop using the excuse, “I just had a baby.” (especially since he turned three in February!!)

My name is Jen and I’m on a mission to lose weight.

Pounds don’t matter so much as clothes size.  I have way to many cute size 8/10 clothes that I long to wear.

Since I don’t own a scale (I believe they are evil!) I am using my mean friend, the Wii Fit balance board to help me track my weight progress.  But overall, success will come when I can fit into my skinny jeans and two-piece bathing suit again!

I hope to use this blog to be accoutable to SOMEONE.  So far just me doing it alone is no motivation what-so-ever, so I thought it I had to update it to the blog world, perhaps I would actually get moving more often. We’ll see!

This week was a slow start…but a number of factors went into my lack of exercise….
1- Beach Vacation last week
2- Shuttle Launch (which was overnight and completely ruined two days for me!)
3- Severe weather every afternoon when I wanted to ride

However- there were some successes…
1- Thursday= 6am Muscle Toning class at the YMCA
2- Saturday= 1 hour bike ride

Times I ate fast food this week: 3 (I have a love affair with McDonald’s and Del Taco- not at the same time…although….?)

Now- I need to learn to cook for myself…and make sure it’s healthy…..

2 thoughts on “The Beginning of the End

  1. This is all fabulous because you want to do this… and you can count on all of us to support you!

    Here are a few things that I would keep in mind for venturing forward:

    Food planning for yourself (I hate to call them diets). When you boil it all down, there are three food plans that help you lose weight or maintain weight: low-carb, low-cal, low-fat Here’s the deal: you can’t do two of them at once… it doesn’t work. Low-carb is great, but you wind up eating protein foods that have fat in them. Low-fat sounds good, but low-fat “light” foods boost the carb count in them (very noticable in salad dressings). The trick with low-cal is that you have to have a minimum of 1200 calories per day or else your body starts to go into preservation mode, which keeps you from losing weight. Shoot for just over 1200 and it’ll work.

    Water… lots of it. Most people say 8 glasses a day, and some others say half your body weight in ounces (that would be a LOT for me). One of our health reports said that caffeine-free diet soda can count as a water serving because there’s no caffeine or sugar in it. That may help you get through the idea of a ton of water. Also, flushing out the caffeine (and all the other stuff) will make you feel a lot better!

    What else would you like to know? 😉

  2. Hey! I am doing something similar!! I am doing it as a whole life change!! I dont have anyone to really be accountable to either… So feel free to send me a comment anytime!! Keep up the good work! I am a McDs lover too.. but i have been able to break the habit! You will feel much better when you cut it back a bit! plus it tastes better when you dont eat it all the time.

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