February 2013 Workout Numbers

February 2013: 265.48 miles on the bike – 164,108 pounds lifted. Yes – I’m pretty proud of my process.  I made THREE different boards at the YMCA this month.  The one below for total weight lifted.  Another for most workouts (36) and another for total workout days (18). But at the end of the day…

January 2013 Workout Numbers

January 2013 is one of my best fitness months in a long time! I just hope I can keep this up for the rest of the year! January 2013: 299.14 miles on the bike – 155,840 pounds lifted.  It was such a great month I even made the board at my YMCA! I’m really happy…

Tabata – My new least favorite word in spin class

I love spin class.  There is something about sitting in almost darkness, riding a bike with too much resistance and sweating like never before. I do it at least three times a week…sometimes more.  I come out super gross and nasty.  For me and my asthma, it’s the only thing I feel like I can…

September Workout Numbers

Don’t know about you, but September was a very busy month. For me, I’m pretty sure I spent more nights sleeping in a hotel then my actual bed.  Lots of work-related and family-fun travel this past month. And because of that – not a great workout month – but still pretty good.  October is starting…

Need bike advice!

So I’m thinking of buying a new bike. I have a great, wonderful, awesome Specialized bike already: And I do love this bike!  But I’m looking for a road bike.  I want to go faster.  I want to enter some bike events, and just don’t think I’ll fit in with my big fat tires. So…

Finding a summer exercise routine

Summer means fining a new routine – and that routine for me needs to include exercise.  But that also means heading indoors.  I still try to squeeze in some evening bike rides – or early morning ones.  However living in Florida makes that difficult as it gets hot quick and most days end with rain.…

I rode over 100 miles in July!

I’ve met my goal with some days to spare! Looks like I need to turn up the heat next month! GOAL: 100 Miles Complete: 118.7 miles To Go:  0 I’m proud of myself for getting it done.  I wasn’t sure, spinning helped meet the mileage, and I’ve pushed myself extra hard these last few days…

Biking through the woods

There are woods near my home that I’ve often wanted to explore. But I’m scared. I’ve done off-road trails often up north.  But something about Florida scares me. Things like snakes, gators, bears, rednecks – all leave me with the thought that I will be murdered. But today, I made the first attempt at squashing…

Getting back on the bike

Things have been pretty crazy this summer. Work has been non-stop – literally!! Between work, vacation and finding kid activities, exercise has taken a back seat. But is appears the work load should be lightened a bit, so it’s time to get back into a routine. I did something new this week, morning biking. I…