I am a spin machine!

Two days, two spin classes. Who am I?!  But I love it.  I’m trying to get into a routine that will allow me to hit a spin class daily.  I know I will need to change it up a bit and add some weights in there.  And I’ll get to that.  But for me it’s…

Mosquito Attack – some tips for dealing with bites

It’s apparently mosquito season and I am allergic to the bites. I apparently was swarmed while biking this weekend, despite the layer of OFF on my skin. For some reason, I have over 20 bites on my back. The suffering really started Sunday, when they swelled and left me practically paralyzed. Aside from the swelling,…

Goal Update – 100 Miles in July

GOAL: 100 Miles Complete: 55.29 miles To Go:  44.71 miles I managed to get in a decent bike ride today, despite feeling crappy. Didn’t hit the bike until about 10:30am – big mistake!  Temperature outside is already 87 degrees – with a feel like temperature of 98 degrees!!!  Along with 68% humidity. I went through…

I raced a bunny on my morning bike ride

Managed to squeeze in about 4.5 miles this morning before the sun even came up. My favorite part about biking in the rural area behind my home is the nature I encounter along the way. There are a number of horse farms and it’s close to a river – so animals are abundant. This morning,…

Biking through the woods

There are woods near my home that I’ve often wanted to explore. But I’m scared. I’ve done off-road trails often up north.  But something about Florida scares me. Things like snakes, gators, bears, rednecks – all leave me with the thought that I will be murdered. But today, I made the first attempt at squashing…

Getting back on the bike

Things have been pretty crazy this summer. Work has been non-stop – literally!! Between work, vacation and finding kid activities, exercise has taken a back seat. But is appears the work load should be lightened a bit, so it’s time to get back into a routine. I did something new this week, morning biking. I…

Sharkbite: Fun for the whole family!

SHARKBITE! Yelling this word causes panic in my car. I find myself yelling it when I’m alone.  And soon, you will too. The origins of Sharkbite are unknown. The premise is simple, see a yellow car, yell SHARKBITE first and you get a point. Seriously, it’s that simple. It’s a competition that has literally led…