I can see for miles…

Ten miles on the bike this morning…not bad.

I believe I can do more- but this humidity is killing me.  I can’t wait for some cooler weather!  I’m debating doing an “organized” bike ride in October.  In my head I have no problems signing up for the 50 mile ride…but after just 10 miles, I want to die…so can I do it?

I think I can…I think I can…I think I can…

In other news, I LOVE my new bike.

Specialized Myka 2009

Specialized Myka 2009

I do love it…I need to learn how to do regular bike maintenance, but I LOVE IT!

And an added bonus, Specialized is one of the major sponsors of Patrick Dempsey Racing….so it all comes full circle.  AND NO, I didn’t not buy the bike based on Dempsey…I only just learned that little piece of trivia when I met him and I’m so proud that my bike $$$ went to him 😉