Memorial Day Weekend

Our Memorial Weekend was such a crazy whirlwind, I think I’m still trying to catch my breath. This is a long post, lots of pictures.  But there’s so much to share!  My husband and I were celebrating our 13th wedding anniversary over the weekend.  We typically don’t go gifts, but plan a night out to…

Secret fun at the Pharmacy

Up until I met my husband, I never knew what a “Speak Easy” was. I never even heard of it. He, on the other hand, uses that word for all of his user names…even on twitter!! It’s always been his thing. He’s been talking about opening his own forever. Well, someone finally got smart and…

Birthday fun…with chocolate, parades & cake

It sucks getting old…but it’s better with chocolate. That’s deep knowledge I just threw out right there.  DEEP. Each year, I just really want to celebrate with friends and drink.  It’s not asking a lot really.  But trying to get everyone together, without children, is never an easy thing.  This year, we did things a…

Top 10 EPCOT Food & Wine Fest Foods

The Good News:  There is so much amazing food at the Epcot International Food & Wine Festival! The Bad News:  It’s almost impossible (and really expensive) to try it all. I’ve sampled my fair share of food at the event through the years – so here’s a list to help you with your planning… The…