Tabata – My new least favorite word in spin class

I love spin class.  There is something about sitting in almost darkness, riding a bike with too much resistance and sweating like never before. I do it at least three times a week…sometimes more.  I come out super gross and nasty.  For me and my asthma, it’s the only thing I feel like I can…

September Workout Numbers

Don’t know about you, but September was a very busy month. For me, I’m pretty sure I spent more nights sleeping in a hotel then my actual bed.  Lots of work-related and family-fun travel this past month. And because of that – not a great workout month – but still pretty good.  October is starting…

New Running Shoes

So I’ve been on this “get in shape” kick for about 3 years now, with little success.  The problem always seems to be about time.  I just don’t have enough of it. Here’s the thing, I’m a routine person.  If I can get into a routine, then I’m good.  But if something disrupts that routine…

Workout Numbers….Killing it in August!

  August 2012: 272.02 miles BOOM!!!  That’s my mileage for August on the bike….I’m on a roll literally…pun intended. Compare that number to my previous months, and I’m killing it!!!  Just need to keep it up! I’m also doing a lot more weights in between rides.  I think it’s helping.  I’m actually feeling a difference…

Mosquito Attack – some tips for dealing with bites

It’s apparently mosquito season and I am allergic to the bites. I apparently was swarmed while biking this weekend, despite the layer of OFF on my skin. For some reason, I have over 20 bites on my back. The suffering really started Sunday, when they swelled and left me practically paralyzed. Aside from the swelling,…

I raced a bunny on my morning bike ride

Managed to squeeze in about 4.5 miles this morning before the sun even came up. My favorite part about biking in the rural area behind my home is the nature I encounter along the way. There are a number of horse farms and it’s close to a river – so animals are abundant. This morning,…

Biking through the woods

There are woods near my home that I’ve often wanted to explore. But I’m scared. I’ve done off-road trails often up north.  But something about Florida scares me. Things like snakes, gators, bears, rednecks – all leave me with the thought that I will be murdered. But today, I made the first attempt at squashing…

Couch to 5K – A rockin’ Friday night

My bed was way too comfortable this morning to get to the gym. And to think, daylight saving time kicks in this weekend, so next week is going to be a tough one! I didn’t make it to the gym this morning, but I managed to get there after work. What a way to spend…

Running: Day 2- I’m still alive!

Day 2 of “official 5K training” is done. It was one of those days that I wasn’t sure would work with exercise! I worked late last night, early this morning and wanted to sleep instead of wake up early to go to the gym. I brought my exercise gear to work thinking I would get…