2013 Road Trip Adventure – Part 1

Epic road trip 2013 is under way – so much to talk about but no time to write about it! Some notes and pictures from the road so far. Hit a big storm on turnpike as we were leaving Florida. Thanks Florida. It would be nice to visit Gainesville sometimes. But I want to go…

Video Vault: Old embarrassing high school videos

My high school had a pretty awesome television program.  Remember, this was back in 1990-1994, before everyone had a camera in their pocket. I was super lucky that we had this amazing technology and resources back then.  It really did point me in the direction where I’ve taken my career. My senior year, I even…

Tina Fey tackles more topics that mirror my life

There are countless episodes of 30 Rock where my husband and I have wondered out-loud…is our house bugged?  Perhaps my office is bugged?  Is someone stealing my life and then writing about it on tv? There are the obvious similarities to myself and Tina Fey.  Her character, Liz Lemon works in television with a bunch…

Marshall Fields and Christmas

Christmas in my family is all about Marshall Field’s. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, let me explain. Marshall Fields used to be the store in Chicago. It’s history in the city is pretty great and not only involves the Great Chicago Fire, but a freakishly high amount of other fires that…

My biggest fear: Bridges

I’m afraid of bridges. Especially drawbridges – if you are on a road, and it’s designed to actually open at some point, it’s not really a road and I’m not interested in being on it. But really bridges in general freak me out. I mean, freak.me.out. I like to think it all started when I…

Ferris Bueller’s Day Off – Where in Chicago?

As you may or may not be aware – I grew up in Northbrook, Illinois. I went to the same high school made famous in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (and powder-puff hazing – but we won’t get into that.) I came across this cool map the other day.  While I know it’s not 100% accurate-…

Katie & Jimmy Get Married

Here are some of the photo highlights from the wedding of the year! Chicago proved to be a great background and provided some perfect weather for the wedding. In between the ceremony and reception we had a party trolly and drove around the city taking pictures.  It was a great idea and we had a…

The amazing plastic mold machine!

One of my favorite memories of childhood is the smell of melted plastic. Gross I know – but hear me out! Field trips to Chicago’s Museum of Science and Industry always meant stopping to beg for a plastic mold! It didn’t matter to me what they were shaped like – but I loved watching the…