
The fear of the unknown

I’m finding myself watching a lot of reruns lately. Movies like When Harry Met Sally or Sleepless in Seattle. I’ve re-watched The Newsroom episodes an embarrassing amount of times to admit. I like that I know how the story ends.  I’m scared for The Newsroom, Season 3, because I’m afraid it won’t end up the…

On the road in the Carolinas

My husband and I are on our second roadtrip adventure for the year. This time we ditched the kids to attend the wedding of one of my dear friends. The wedding is in the mountains of North Carolina and since we’ve never really Ben to the area, came a day before the wedding to explore.…

March 2013 Workout Numbers

March 2013: 259.50 miles on the bike – 135,085 pounds lifted Not too much to say about this month.  Overall, I’m happy with my pace and commitment.  I’ve been able to bike outside more since the weather has been nicer.  I was so sick at the beginning of March that it didn’t get off to…

Fireworks Rant: Why no Mickey Mouse fireworks?

As fireworks light the sky this Independence Day, I get frustrated. Since I live in the land of Disney, I get to see fireworks on demand. And while I love the patriotic events – I can’t help to ask myself …why are there no Mickey Mouse fireworks?? I mean – it’s three circles! They can…