
So there’s Thanksgiving, then Black Friday…then someone added Small Business Saturday…we take Sunday off (For God?) and then Cyber Monday. This year there’s something called #GivingTuesday and that’s tomorrow!!! So what’s it all about?  From their website: We have a day for giving thanks. We have two for getting deals. This year help us create…

Jewish Thanksgiving

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!  We had a very busy, but very blessed holiday weekend. As I’m sure you’ve seen, Thanksgiving overlapped with the first day of Hanukkah this year.  Unless you’re Jewish, you probably don’t care.  And since my family is Lutheran, you wouldn’t think we would care. But growing up…

New Art in Downtown Orlando

I like to get out and walk during my lunch in Downtown Orlando.  I don’t get to do it often enough, but I do make it a point to try to get out at least once-a-week just to take advantage of my surroundings.  Lately, some new art has been popping up around the downtown core. …

Sunset at the Black Hammock in Oviedo.

Halloween 2013

Halloween is over and now Christmas planning can begin! As much as I always dread Halloween, it always is fun.  Despite my typical fall head-cold hitting on Halloween Eve, we survived with no major drama!  And it was actually one of the best weekends we’ve had in a long time.  Just about as perfect as…