This makes me sad…

It’s another celebrity divorce.. And no people, we’re not talking Jon & Kate plus 8…because really, they aren’t celebrities…. My favorite hollywood couple is calling it quits. TV power couple Bradley Whitford and Jane Kaczmarek filed divorce papers on Friday. A rep for Whitford confirmed that Bradley “hopes the media will respect their wish for…

The Tale of Two Candidates….

Most people don’t get to experience what I’ve recently experienced…meeting the next President of the United States.It’s pretty intense sitting in a room with the would-be president…but it’s also interesting how two men- both wanting the same job- are just SO different… Monday: Told we have an exclusive one-on-one interview with Sen. John McCain.Arrive at…

Go Discovery!

Hello world…I continue my Central Florida travels…Today- LIVE from Kennedy Space Center….Right now- we’re about four hours from launch….And I’m sitting about 100 feet from the big giant countdown clock- and right across the water from the space shuttle on the launchpad….It’s pretty cool- but HOT!More to come- of course- complete coverage on News