Surprise Home Makeover!

I spent the weekend in Tampa on what I thought was a fun belated birthday celebration away with my husband (more on that trip in a later blog!).  I really thought that he wanted to just take a fun trip out of two to some fun restaurants and visit some friends I haven’t seen in…

Scandal Valentine's Day Cards

‘Scandal’ Valentine’s Day Cards

Who doesn’t love Scandal? A show about love, lust and logistics in the White House.  It’s like a more messy version of the West Wing.  I’m obsessed.  Fritz & Pope forever. Here’s at look at other TV-related Valentine’s Day cards I’ve been working on: 30 Rock Valentine’s Day Cards The Newsroom Valentine’s Day Cards Gilmore…

My baby boy turns 8 years old!

Happy birthday to my little Patrick. Today, he turns 8. It’s hard to believe.  He’s always been my little cuddly boy.  Thankfully, he still likes to cuddle and promises that he will forever.  I will be holding him to this. I remember when he was born, my husband turned to me with a look of…

The Good Wife – Valentine’s Day Cards

The Good Wife is one of the best shows on television.  If you haven’t watched it, you have some catching up to do. I’ve never been more torn of who I should think a character should end up with.  So conflicted!! Enjoy these ‘The Good Wife’ Valentine’s Day cards: Here’s at look at other TV-related…

Sherlock – Valentine’s Day Cards

My new obsession, Sherlock.  Here is the state’s you can find this BBC show on your local PBS station.  It just started the 3rd season, but each season only has 3 episodes.  I just caught up on the entire season in a crazy binge-watching session. I can’t explain how great this show is.  So, Happy…