Where can I escape?
Great great blog posts from friends on finding some hobbies while dealing with cancer. This is a great read: Where can I escape?.
Great great blog posts from friends on finding some hobbies while dealing with cancer. This is a great read: Where can I escape?.
Here are some pictures- I don’t have lots of words because I’m exhausted 🙂 You can see the previous trip post here.
Epic road trip 2013 is under way – so much to talk about but no time to write about it! Some notes and pictures from the road so far. Hit a big storm on turnpike as we were leaving Florida. Thanks Florida. It would be nice to visit Gainesville sometimes. But I want to go…
My husband and I are celebrating our 13th wedding anniversary this year. It’s hard to believe that we’ve been married that long. So I thought it would be great to look at our wedding photos. Since we got married in 2000, smartphones and videos weren’t around at all. And it was way before social media…
My little man is obsessed with penguins. He has been ever since I can remember. We have penguins in all shapes and sizes. Including full on flannel penguin bed sheets, pajamas, necklaces, cups, plates….you name it, we’ve got it. When he grows up, he…surprise, surprise…wants to work with penguins. And be a BMX biker. He’s…
I can’t go to Chicago without hitting up some of my favorite restaurants and finding my favorite Chicago food. This time, I didn’t go to my favorite pizza place. I didn’t even have a SINGLE ONE of these: I don’t know why I didn’t. I just didn’t. Instead, I went back to a place I…
ACTUAL CONVERSATION: Random student: “It’s so great you came back! What year did you graduate?” Me: “1994” Random student: “Oh…1994 is the year I was born! Cool!” Me: DYING….. Now – repeat this conversation about 300 times and that was my Friday night back at my high school. While I felt like an old lady…
My high school had a pretty awesome television program. Remember, this was back in 1990-1994, before everyone had a camera in their pocket. I was super lucky that we had this amazing technology and resources back then. It really did point me in the direction where I’ve taken my career. My senior year, I even…
There are countless episodes of 30 Rock where my husband and I have wondered out-loud…is our house bugged? Perhaps my office is bugged? Is someone stealing my life and then writing about it on tv? There are the obvious similarities to myself and Tina Fey. Her character, Liz Lemon works in television with a bunch…
Television actually written by writers! Shows like Homeland, Downton Abbey, The Good Wife, 30 Rock, Parks & Recreation, The New Girl, Parenthood. Quality shows that people actually spend time writing and researching. Reality television is the downfall of humanity. I’m convinced. Often times, I wish I had become a television writer. Or, wish I could…