2013 in blogging

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2013 annual report for this blog. Here’s an excerpt: The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 36,000 times in 2013. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 13 sold-out performances for that many…

Cute Christmas Kitty or Jerk Cat?

I’ve had four cats in my lifetime.  Three of them could care less about the Christmas tree.  They all loved the Christmas tree shirt.  What’s up with that?  The instant I take them out to decorate, they were on them.  They would never sleep in their cat beds we bought, but those Christmas tree shirts…

Dog Shaming!

Dog sitting for JoeStrong

You may or may not have been following the story of my friends, Amanda and Joe.  They blog over at Cocktails and Chemo about some really serious stuff.  But it’s funny, and sad and will make you really be thankful.  They are amazing people and I’m lucky to call them friends. They recently had to…

Sweets by Holly cupcakes

Yelp’s Bohemian Bash

You know much much I love talking about food, so I honored to be part of the Yelp Elite Squad.  We get invited to Yelp events all around town, many times before others can even try new places.  It’s a great perk.  And those Yelp folks know how to throw a party!  This year, they…

Casino dice cake pops

Square Cake Pops

I like to pretend I’m some sort of expert cake pop maker.  I’m not, but I pretend well.  Here are some examples of past work: I’m kind of mastered the circle.  But I was given a new challenge, make “dice-shaped” cake pops for a Casino night birthday party! Challenge accepted!  But my brain couldn’t figure…


So there’s Thanksgiving, then Black Friday…then someone added Small Business Saturday…we take Sunday off (For God?) and then Cyber Monday. This year there’s something called #GivingTuesday and that’s tomorrow!!! So what’s it all about?  From their website: We have a day for giving thanks. We have two for getting deals. This year help us create…

Sriracha Candy Canes are available starting today at www.SrirachaCandyCanes.com for $7.99 per 12-pack.

Bacon and Sriracha: Holiday Shopping Fun

Bacon and Sriracha – two flavors that are taking over the world.  And now, new products that are making my head just hurt.  The press release alone is priceless, so let’s just start there: J&D’s Foods is pleased to announce the launch of POWER BACON Deodorant and Sriracha Candy Canes!  Yes, the world’s first Bacon-scented…