Note: This experience happened prior to Covid-19. Not only have and will procedures/experience change, but these classes were taken at the old Peloton studios. The NYC studio has moved from 140 W 23rd St., to the new headquarters at Hudson Yards, 441 Ninth Avenue.
The beauty and allure of the Peloton bike is that you can do it at home, alone, anytime you want. But take any class prior to March 2020 and you’ll see people in the studio. Some classes are just normal, you notice people and move on. Others feel like there is a party happening and you’re watching through a window. Sometimes, there are very distracting people that cause you to throw a towel over your screen so you can focus (I know this from experience.).
The first time I went to New York was about three months after I had gotten the bike and three months since my ACL surgery. I went to the Peloton studios to shop and was asked if I wanted to take a class. I explained I wasn’t ready. My surgery, I just wasn’t strong enough, there to do family things, etc. I do regret this decision.
Fast-forward seven months and I have to go to Boston for a work trip. I started scheming how I could get to New York. It’s actually pretty easy. Jump on a 6am Amtrak and you’ll be in NYC in four short hours. Plus, it was October so I managed to get a beautiful train ride through the fall foliage. I literally felt like a master planner.
The plan was simple. Arrive in NYC on Sunday morning. Meet up with a dear friend, see two broadway shows, go to bed, wake up, go to Peloton, go to airport, fly home to Florida.
A few important points here:
- I targeted taking weekday classes thinking they would be less crowded. I think that helped?
- I didn’t bring my own shoes because I was trying to pack light. There are shoes available at the studio for free.
- You could spend the whole day just hanging out there. More on that below.
- I targeted two classes. The first, an 8 a.m. Jenn Sherman class. The second a 10 a.m. Christine D’Ercole class. Jenn’s class I had to sign up for one weeks in advance, pay for the class $20 and reserve my bike. Christine’s class was listed as a walk-in. I’ll explain more below – but this is an important point.
So let me set the stage. It’s New York in October. It’s cold, dark and rainy. I wake up at 6 a.m. and am way too excited to eat. I know my nervous stomach is not going to handle food well and I’m jacked with excitement. I have no idea what to expect so I just head over to the studio around 6:45 a.m., I’m way to early. The building was open and I was shown to the locker room. I could live in here. Lockers for your use, every hair product, styling tool and bobby pin imaginable are here. There are multiple bathroom stalls and showers. It’s a pretty giant and clean space. There’s already a class in progress with Kendall, so I kind of sit back and watch what is happening. It was fascinating people watching.
The doors to the studio are guarded by a few big guys while the glass is happening. They kind of stare at me wondering what the hell I’m planning…just checking out my surroundings sir…nothing to see here.
The inside lobby has a couch and a few other spots to sit while you can watch a live stream of what is happening inside the studio. I also notice there’s a little cafe that has come to life since I’ve been there. It serves all sorts of smoothies and fruit. I take a seat out here and try to calm down.
Suddenly, it’s time to go into the studio. I was so nervous, I’m not going to lie. I had my phone, which had my all important information you really need to bring with you….VITAL information includes:
- Peloton login name/password
- Seat Height
- Seat Position
- Handlebar Height
- Number of bike you reserved
Here’s a look at the Peloton bike studio set-up.

I wanted to be in the front row because, as a glasses wearer, I don’t wear them when I workout, and I wanted to SEE this experience as much as possible. I knew I didn’t want to really be on camera, so I choose bike 4. I’m happy with my choice! What I didn’t realize is how close to the instructor I would be!
Also be sure to grab a few towels at the door!! AND – bring your own real water bottle! Back in the day, apparently they provided water bottles. Not anymore. A few people were caught off guard by that. You also do not need to bring your heart rate monitor. I had mine, but didn’t wear it. I don’t think I needed it – but it’s all a blur. All I remember is that I didn’t use it then lost it. (When I got home, I waited for it to turn up then bought a new one, and then found the old one about 8 months later!)
The first thing you’ll notice is that the studio is COLD. Which is great because soon you’ll be so hot. Also, the bike monitors are very different then your at-home bike. They are smaller and you only see the people in the room on the leaderboard. You can’t high five others, or receive them.
Then, the instructor comes in and suddenly the class begins!
This particular Jenn Sherman class was a 45 minute intervals & arms class. As always, it had a rocking playlist and before I knew it, class was over. Afterwards, she greeted everyone in the lobby for pictures, and then literally hung around for at least an hour talking to people. I was too nervous to say anything. I felt like an idiot, so I thanked her for always having amazing choices and then sat on the couch totally embarrassed. Here’s the pic:

As you can tell, this is such a great picture spot they have set up.
After the ride, I figured I needed some fuel. So I went to the little cafe and told them to make me a smoothie that had minimal fruit, I’m not a fruit fan. I think I ended up with some sort of chocolate, peanut butter, banana situation, and it was delicious.

And then, the nerves came back because I had to get in line to reserve my spot in Christine’s class. Now…confession time. She is my absolute favorite. So I was totally inside my head about this experience. I was second in line to reserve a spot for the class (you are allowed to line up one hour before class starts), and I once again took bike number 4. I figured, I wouldn’t even need to change the settings!!
So I went to change my clothes. The date of my studio ride was October 28, 2019. Christine had just returned from Worlds with a gold medal in one of her cycling events, so I decided I was going to craft a special tank top for the occasion. Because I like to be extra.
So I’m dressed and ready for class, about 30 minutes early. I decide to sit in the hallway outside of the studio and just try to calm the hell down. As I’m sitting there, I find myself obsessed with all of the images on the wall and can’t stop taking pictures…

And then, as my face is buried in my phone trying to distract myself, there’s a hand on my arm. I look up, and it’s Christine. I must have looked like a deer in headlights. (I was also wearing my I AM. I CAN. I WILL. I DO. leggings, so I’m guessing she assumed I was there for her.) She looks at me and says, “Thank you so much for being here.” And then reached for a hug, so I stood up, hugged her, and then she said, “see you in class.” I didn’t say anything. I couldn’t. I….just…froze. I am not one to get star-struck. Honestly, look back at some of my previous posts. I have met major celebrities and had never had this moment. It was insane. More people started filing in, waiting for class. Once those studio doors opened, we all jumped on our bikes and Christine came in. That’s when she saw my shirt and freaked out. I wish I had the pre-show recorded, because it was so touching and she seemed genuinely appreciative that I made a shirt to celebrate her gold. And then, class started. I couldn’t even focus. I could only stare at her, in my head wondering if this was real life. I remember saying to myself, remember this moment forever. Also, this was a milestone ride for me. So at some point, she called me out in the room and obviously noticed my freaked out face. It’s not that I was milestone hungry, it’s that I was really, seriously, in awe of the whole experience.
So, epic milestone shoutout. The ride has since been purged. 🙁
After the ride, we do a 10-minute arms routine. I swear she was looking into my soul the whole ride. Seriously. It was crazy and amazing at the same time.
Once the ride was done, we went to the lobby for pictures. She thanked me again for making the shirt. I literally just cried. I couldn’t speak. Look. I don’t get it. I always have words, lots of words. But nothing. So much I wanted to say, but apparently tears were all I could muster. However, I’m thrilled with the photos.

Once I was done freaking out, I sat in the locker rooms for a hot minute to gather myself. And then, I walked around the corner and had an amazing slice of New York pizza. Then…off to the airport to head back to Florida.
The studio experience was so welcoming and positive. I feel like anyone could take a studio ride and there’s no reason to feel intimidated or like you couldn’t keep up. I do wish I would have better prepared my brain and my mouth to work together better for the day. But I’m working on that for my next visit to the new studio home in New York’s Hudson Yards.
Find me on Peloton – #TheJenShow