There was a time, not that long ago, where my children would be mildly interested in sports and sport news, but would rather play with toys.
Suddenly, my oldest, who is now 11 and in the 6th grade, has become sports obsessed. It’s kind of awesome, and kind of freaky all at the same time.
We are staying the weekend at a Walt Disney World Resort. This is an actual conversation from earlier this evening.
(Eating dinner inside Disney’s Contemporary Resort.)
Mom: So, what do you want to do after dinner?
Oldest: I’m not sure, I would like to check in on some football games.
Mom: Um…ok. Well, let’s go over to this bar real quick and I’ll grab a drink….
Mom: So while I still in the bar…do you want to go to the arcade?
Oldest: No, that’s just a waste of money. I would rather go back to the room and watch football….
Mom: It’s like I don’t even know you anymore…
Seconds later….I lose him to the end of the Alabama/Ole Miss game. And he was way into it.
I love that he found something that he loves. He will sit and watch a football game with an amazing level of focus. It’s kind of scary. And also awesome. Meanwhile, my youngest is still distracted by anything and everything.
I don’t know where my baby went, but I’m proud of the little man he is becoming. I’m also really happy that he still insists on going to character breakfasts and taking pictures with all the characters. So, at least I still have that.