Did you know that 20 years ago today this happened?
It makes me feel so old! I remember it like it was yesterday. I was very much on Team Kerrigan. My sister was very much on Team Harding. How did that work out for you sis?
Anyway, we are again gearing up for the Winter Olympics. And although I hate cold and snow, it’s really my favorite of games. I love the skeleton, the bobsled, ice skating, speed skating, curling, skiing, etc. I will watch countless hours of the games once they begin on Feb. 7, 2014.
(No, this post isn’t sponsored by the Olympic Committe or NBC, but it should be!)
I fully intend to watch as much of the live steam of the events as possible. I refuse to wait for the big events to cater around the US prime-time television audience.
The only real reason that I know the start date of the Olympics? It’s also my youngest son’s birthday! I apparently planned my children’s birthdays really well around the Olympics. My oldest son is a July baby, and just about two years ago we had a Summer Olympics birthday party for him! This time, obviously, it’s winter, so we are going ice skating!
Invitations are done…
These were actually 4th of July invitations that I bought on sale. I covered up the U.S. flag with the Olympic Rings. I made the rings simply by coloring reinforcements and sticking them together.
And now I have some other crafts to complete before the big day. I have a whole bunch of fun stuff from the last party on my Pinterest board – come follow me!
What is your favorite Winter Olympic sport? I think I would make an excellent curler. Seriously.
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