Sunday Morning Bike Adventure

I don’t know if it’s the crappy weather outside, but this morning’s bike ride was quite the adventure!

It’s nice and overcast, and there were a few sprinkles along the way.  But nothing too bad…although the wind is getting pretty fierce out there!

I’ve mentioned it before, but the area behind my house is some sort of crazy wilderness area.  There are tons of horse farms and ranch type homes.  There are also a lot of wooded areas, off-roading spots and cowboys.  I get a sense that most people back in this area are big fans of the 2nd amendment and I’m always a little scared of who I might come across.  But typically, I don’t see another person, just lots of animals.

First up today, I saw a group of 6 giant turkeys.  Just handing out next to the road.

Giant Turkey

Gobble Gobble.

Then, as I was about to hit the entrance to the woods trail that I enjoy…there was a dead racoon being picked apart by about 10 vultures.  But the interesting thing, they were also joined by three HUGE Bald Eagles.  I don’t think I’ve ever seen on that up close before.  By the time I got my camera out, they had flown up into a tree.  You can see them in this picture if you look close:

There are at least two Bald Eagles in this picture.  It's like Where's Waldo.  Do you see them?

There are at least two Bald Eagles in this picture. It’s like Where’s Waldo. Do you see them?

The woods were actually pretty boring.  Except for that fact that it was all muddy due to recent rains, I didn’t see anything.

But on the long gravel road on my way back, I had a big brown lab run along side of me.  I thought I would lose him when his fence line ended.  I was wrong.  He busted out of there and almost followed me the whole way home.  I kept telling him to go home, but he wouldn’t listen.  Thankfully, he finally did turn around, or else I was going to turn around and take him all the way back to his house.

What is the strangest animal you’ve ever seen on a bike ride?


2 thoughts on “Sunday Morning Bike Adventure

  1. I love going for bike rides in my neighborhood. Glad you got out and enjoyed before this horrible rain took over. Don’t know about you, but it is lightning central over in Seminole County.

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