Funny old things I found while cleaning the closet….(or…please don’t submit me for the Hoarders show!)

Whenever I’m off during the week, it’s typically a holiday, so the kids are off as well.

But NOT today!!!  I did some much needed cleaning to “THE closet.”  We have this one huge closet in the house that pretty much keeps everything we have.  It’s also where all the Christmas items are stored, so it really needed to be tended to.

And while doing so, I found some crazy fun stuff:

Walt Disney World Autograph book from the 1980s.

I love this autograph book.  It’s from one of our first family vacations to Walt Disney World.  For some reason, there are no character autographs inside the book.

Instead, the book is filled with random notes and signatures from some of my childhood friends.


Meredith moved away to California when we were five. I don't think any of us ever got over it!

Autograph Book: Heather Swanson


Autograph Book: Missy Johnston

Autograph Book: Katie picture

Katie drew this at age 3. She had such talent!

Heather's mom made me this headband for my birthday...maybe 12 years old? I loved it! Can't believe it's still in one piece!

My GBN high school id card.

An original 1986 Jukebox script from Westcott School!



Joan Esposito....this photo and I have been through a lot together...

Mrs. Brorkman’s first grade class at Westcott School

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