Chef Mickey's Character Breakfast

My boy has become a guy

I really don’t know when it all happened. There was a time, not that long ago, where my children would be mildly interested in sports and sport news, but would rather play with toys. Suddenly, my oldest, who is now 11 and in the 6th grade, has become sports obsessed.  It’s kind of awesome, and…

Brendan catches a shark.

Welcome to Middle School

I now have a middle schooler.  And a midlife crisis. I honestly have no idea where the time has gone.  How did I get so old? How is my baby going into 6th grade? It’s been a great school year.  For the first time in a long time, I feel like I haven’t had to…

Fighting at a Little League game

I had an experience today that I found so disturbing and upsetting, I really am unsure of what to do next.  So I’m blogging about it.  Advice please. So my 8-year-old son is in an Little League.  I haven’t been in love with the league this entire season.  It’s unorganized from the top down.  There’s…

Uses for Leftover Halloween Candy

I view this post as a public service announcement to all parents. All that Halloween candy that you just don’t think anyone will eat, or should eat?  Put it away and save it for Christmas!!! Not Christmas exactly, but it’s the perfect thing to help decorate your gingerbread house! Yes, I know, genius.  I started…

Just call me Martha Stewart…

Eight years ago, I was pregnant and nesting. I decided to make my son-to-be a Christmas stocking…all by myself.  It’s something my mother did when we were little, and I thought it would be nice to have something my kids can look at and say that their mom made it for them. It was a…

Funny Michigan Billboards

One of my favorite things to do on a road trip, find the funny in local billboards. It’s not hard to find the funny in some of the signs along I-94 in Michigan. Not sure what happens when you get near Jackson, MI, but the signs are just too much…. Not sure what sort of…

The Important Letter “R”

I have a lot of facebook, twitter and actually in-person comments about a now famous picture posted earlier this week. Here’s the story for those of you who haven’t heard. My precious little 7-year-old, Brendan, was forced to write thank-you notes for the birthday presents he received from his friends/family. This was not a chore…