Marco Island Owls

It’s one of our favorite things to do in Marco Island, “Owl Spotting.”

Marco Island is home to the Athene cunicularia floridana, or Florida burrowing owl. The owls dig burrows and is the only owl species that nests underground. You can spot them all over vacant lots around the island.  They stand on little man-made perches next to their holes.

The burrow, nest, eggs, chicks and adult owls are protected.  It’s almost impossible to drive around the island without seeing them.  You can find nests on just about every street.  You just have to look!

Burrowing Owl Facts:

  • 9 inches Tall –size of a water bottle!
  • 20-24 inches Wingspan
  • Bright Yellow Eyes that can not move
  • Head can move 270 degrees
  • Beak or Bill is greenish yellow or yellow
  • Sandy Brown in color with scattered white spots and bars with a dark brown collar around their neck
  • Tail is short – almost invisible
  • Girl (female) Owls are darker than Boy (male) Owls
  • Clutch sizes average 5-8 small round white eggs
  • Incubated for 28-30 days by female
  • Chicks emerge from the burrow when they are three weeks old
  • Chicks are “fledged” (can fly!) at 42-44 days
  • Do not destroy the burrow unless it is entirely necessary
  • Mark the burrow and place a T-Perch near the opening
  • Use Pesticides & Chemicals at a minimum
  • Re-Locate the burrow by using a T-Perch in a an area that would attract an owl

Check out my photo gallery of the Marco Island Owls: