An Open Letter to Aaron Sorkin and HBO re: The Newsroom

Dear Aaron Sorkin, HBO & The Internet.

I need you to make a decision.  It’s one with an easy answer.  Is The Newsroom coming back for season 3? I need to know ASAP to get on with my life.  It’s a simple yes or no.

You see, it’s an important week for Newsroom fans like myself.  This is the “one year” anniversary of the Will & Mac engagement.  Pretty significant in the life of a news person to get engaged on Election Night.

It was this time last year that shooting had already started for Season 2.  Right now, the halls and desks at ACN sit empty while fans like myself are resorting to watching the entire two seasons over and over again on HBO GO.  (And thank you for that – please don’t take it away!)  We’ve also been watching the DVD commentaries enough to fully draw an ACN newsroom floor-plan.


I’ve also discovered Tumblr and all the amazing animated gif’s, quotes and something new to me, fanfic.  I’ve spent too much time taking screen grabs and pulling quotes like the one above.  My already blurred lines of fact to fiction is getting even fuzzier when I read stories of Mac & Will having a baby.  My brain can’t take it anymore.  I need a commitment.  I’m not going to love you any less if you’re done.  I get it. To quote you, “No matter what you say, I’m gonna be in love with you the rest of my life.  There’s just no way out of that.  That’s just the physical law of the universe.”  Yes Newsroom, I love you that much.

So if the answer is you’re done.  I’m ok.  I still love you.  If the answer is yes, you’re coming back for a season 3, I’m thrilled.  And to help you with what will be a giant task ahead, let me offer some casting advice:

Fantasy-Newsroom-CastingThese are just suggestions from a loyal fan.  Yes, I obviously think about this too much.  But that’s how much I love the show and Sorkin’s writing.  It speaks to me like nothing else.  Sorkin is most likely the single greatest cultural influence on my life to this point.  So Sorkin, no matter what you decide on The Newsroom, please continue your mission to civilize.


The real-life MacKenzie McHale