Kitchen Chronicles

I make no secret of the fact that I hate to cook.

BUT, I do like to bake.  Kind-of.

I like baking the things that I know how to do.  And cookies- are one of my favorites.

Until now.

For my son’s birthday party- we decided to buy the Williams-Sonoma Star Wars Cookie Cutters to fit the Star Wars theme.

They are pretty sweet….

But making the cookies- well, not as easy as I hoped.

I wanted to take the easy way out- so I bought some pre-made cookie dough at the store.  Here’s some advice…DON’T!!

They were next-to-impossible to get onto the cookie tray.

When they were done in the oven, they had turned into blobs- just blobs of cookie and lost all the detailing and shape that made these cookies so unique.

So we instead went with the recipe that came with the cookies.  The dough wasn’t that hard to make.  It was a little dry for my taste- but we added a pinch of water and that seemed to help a lot.  They also were a lot easier to get off the counter and onto the cookie tray!

Here’s what they looked like after baking.

I was pretty impressed with the detailing. It was a HUGE improvement over the pre-made dough cookies.

(I was to embarrassed of those to even take pictures!!!)

The next challenge- to make the icing.  This was actually simple- just follow the instructions that come with the cookies.

The only icing issue we ran into was coming up with BLACK.  It’s not easy to make food coloring into black.

So- we googled it- and found the solution.

Buy chocolate icing, and add blue food coloring.  Wouldn’t you know, that worked great!

Here’s a look at the finished product.  I had decorated these cookies as samples. We put frosting on cookies and let the kids do the decorations.  It seemed to work out well!

I’m no expert at decorating…and I’m certainly not going to quit my day job to become some decorator but they didn’t turn out all THAT bad!!!

Jen's Star Wars Cookies

The Williams-Sonoma Star Wars Cookies